Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Here we go again...

Last night after that last post, we had what i so lovingly refer to as our "Weekly Quarrel". Like freaking clock-work, we get into a heated argument (9/10 times its around O-day which makes it even harder to convince him we need to go BD) and the night is ruined and whatever sex we do manage to fit in is more like a chore than fun. I love my husband, I do. But i dont have to LIKE him 24/7. We are still considered "newly-weds" and we moved out of the honeymoon phase a LONG time ago. But why is it so difficult to get along with someone? Things go phenomenal for about a week, then we blow up over something and ladies, we all do this:we bring up every little thing that has bothered us since the last fight and it just floods out all at once. My husband H-A-T-E-S that...but i bottle everything up because I do not like confrontation. But I'm very hot-headed at the same time. (I just call it hormones and call it a day...) And last night, my husband told me that it bothers him that most of my friends are 30 year old women from work, and that because they have children, he feels pressured to keep up with them. I told him unless he figured out a way to age a child 7 years in 9 months and get them out of my uterus, we werent in the running with them. Cold feet maybe? I don't know, but it led to a big emotional cry-fest on my part and nothing really getting solved. But of course with the ritual argument comes the best part:make up sex. Hey, we do what we can to get it done! I know this isnt really all about TTC, but its part of it. Being a wife first and foremost and a mommy as well. It's definitely a balancing act that I am trying to figure out before its all on top of me at once.  Hopefully I can figure it out sooner rather than later.

Would probably be a good idea to get back to work rather than sitting here in my office blogging...

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