Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bird has flown the coop...

The holiday weekend is over, and it's back to normal routines. My hubby hurt his back Wednesday so when I ovulated on Thursday, there was no sexy time for us. And I don't know when we'll be able to again until he's fully recovered. So, I'm probably out for this cycle and the next...goodbye prized Christmas preggers announcement. I want my bubby healthy of course, but I really reslly wanted that special something too.
I spent Friday with my best friend who is also TTC, and she just had an HSG done. She's been trying for two years, and went through injections, medications, and considering an IUI. It makes my situation seem so insignificant. It would honestly kill me to tel her i got pregnant before she did. I really had no idea going into this that it would be so emotionally taxing. Props to all you ladies doing this for YEARS. You are much stronger than I am.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Here we go again...

Last night after that last post, we had what i so lovingly refer to as our "Weekly Quarrel". Like freaking clock-work, we get into a heated argument (9/10 times its around O-day which makes it even harder to convince him we need to go BD) and the night is ruined and whatever sex we do manage to fit in is more like a chore than fun. I love my husband, I do. But i dont have to LIKE him 24/7. We are still considered "newly-weds" and we moved out of the honeymoon phase a LONG time ago. But why is it so difficult to get along with someone? Things go phenomenal for about a week, then we blow up over something and ladies, we all do this:we bring up every little thing that has bothered us since the last fight and it just floods out all at once. My husband H-A-T-E-S that...but i bottle everything up because I do not like confrontation. But I'm very hot-headed at the same time. (I just call it hormones and call it a day...) And last night, my husband told me that it bothers him that most of my friends are 30 year old women from work, and that because they have children, he feels pressured to keep up with them. I told him unless he figured out a way to age a child 7 years in 9 months and get them out of my uterus, we werent in the running with them. Cold feet maybe? I don't know, but it led to a big emotional cry-fest on my part and nothing really getting solved. But of course with the ritual argument comes the best part:make up sex. Hey, we do what we can to get it done! I know this isnt really all about TTC, but its part of it. Being a wife first and foremost and a mommy as well. It's definitely a balancing act that I am trying to figure out before its all on top of me at once.  Hopefully I can figure it out sooner rather than later.

Would probably be a good idea to get back to work rather than sitting here in my office blogging...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Just another Manic Monday

Today was a typical Monday: rushing around all morning, rushed work day, rushing home. Rushing supper for humans and pups alike, rushed shower, and rushing to bed. My morning routine is a well-oiled machine, and today my hubby threw a big sweaty wrench in my gears. Someone decided to "get his rocks off" first thing this morning...before I even had my first cup of coffee! Now, normally I would not oppose to a morning romp, being as we're trying to get knocked up and what not, but this morning I was trying to recover from my full blown turkey coma, and it was not what I wanted this morning. BUT...I have one very amazing husband. And what hubby wants, he gets. And it being DAY ONE of my fertile window made it all ok. Even the left over swimmers I had to deal with the rest of the day were not just unbearable like they normally are. Hey, no one said TTC was pretty folks. You do what you got to do! And as I sit here watching my hubby play with our furr-babies and plan out dinner for tomorrow, and stress over the pile of work waiting on my desk at work, I know it's all worth it. And even though it may not always be pretty or convenient or sanitary sometimes...this is what it takes for me to get my family. I know all of you ladies have been exactly where we are right now...and it makes it a little easier knowing I'm not alone out here...but right now, it's time for some TLC with my hubby!
Peace, Love & Lots of Baby Making!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Stuffed like a Turkey...

First thanksgiving lunch down, and I'm ready for my nap! I love the holidays, especially when I can get around my family. We all cut up and act silly, and since we got married I miss it that much more. And being around my family makes me want a family of my own. We always joke about how eventually we won't get together at my grandmothers after we all (the grandkids) have babies of our own, but I think we'll always get together on holidays. Or at least that is my hope. Family is THE most important thing, and with everything going on in this world, if you don't have don't have anything. I know, I know. So sappy...but hey the holidays bring it out in me. Now, it's time for a nap! Enjoy the rest of your weekend loves!

Friday, November 21, 2014

"I can always do it myself..."

That, my friends, is the key statement that got my husband up out of his "i'm-too-tired" stupor in the recliner last night and into the bedroom with me. Those six little words flipped the “man-switch” in his brain to make him prove he could do the deed better. Im not even gonna lie, I was extremely in the mood for some lovin’ last night. But my poor hubby was exhausted from work and doing some late house-work. I tried to get him to come join me, but to no avail. I put my dogs up and turned off the lights and before I went to bed I said “If you don’t come back here, I’ll just do it myself.” He looked at me as if I had grown a third leg or something. I just smiled and went towards our room and I heard his feet hit the floor and knew he was right behind me.

The Score is Me: 1 Hubby: 0.

They cant help themselves. As men, they are so competitive, and little statements like the afore mentioned just kick in their cave-man reflexes to prove their worth. Now, I am NOT complaining at all. I got what I wanted out of the deal. But even hubby asked why I was so turned on. Honestly, NO IDEA. Supposedly when we’re ovulating, we naturally “come into heat” like animals do. Hormones start rushing, pheromones start attracting the males, and we get the urge to go forth and multiply. But according to my charts and past cycles, I don’t ovulate until next week. And the facts stand true with me…I’m a wild woman when Im fertile. So, could I have really ovulated early?

Im not one to symptom spot or guestimate on things, but Im not the type to jump my husband unless: A.) Im fertile and ovulating or B.) AF is fixing to show up (because for some reason I feel the need to get one more ride in before my week of celibacy). So why last night and today is this happening? You’re guess is as good as mine at this point. If mother nature has decided to mix things up a bit and deal me an early ovulation…well, good thing we’ve gotten it in beforehand! But i'm going to keep assuming that i'm ovulating around thanksgiving…all this means is a little more “funny business” than usual until either I get my BFP or we get tired of "practicing"….whichever comes first. 

How do you cope when you’re in this situation?

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Turkey Baster Club...

The annual holiday “cheer” is definitely in the air. The weather is turning frigid, Christmas lights are going up, and those of us trying to get knocked up are wishing for Christmas miracles. This year, I happen to be ovulating on Thanksgiving…which means forcing my husband out of his tree stand and into the bedroom. (Easier said than done if your husband is as much of an avid hunter as mine…) 

Now don’t get me wrong, I want to enjoy the holidays with our families. But I also want a baby. and to make a baby, we have to have sex...lots and lots of it, in perfectly synchronized times throughout my fertile window which just happens to be on Turkey Day. "Bah Hum Bug."

See, my whole reasoning behind it being ABSOLUTELY necessary to get pregnant this month is TWO little words: CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCEMENT. I’m the oldest child & grandchild in my family, and my husband is an only child. It would be the best Christmas ever to surprise our families with the news. Granted, some of our family members don’t think we should be trying for a baby. (insert “You’re so young! Why rush it?” comments here) But we are ready to be parents. I have wanted nothing so much in my life and its only been magnified by the fact that EVERY. SINGLE. FEMALE. MAMMAL. AROUND. ME. IS. KNOCKED. UP. Except ME. It might be a good time to mention that I am a very impatient person, and that in being so, TTC has been torture. I’m hoping that these next few weeks either end in a BFP, or I’m just going to give up and wait til after the holidays.

Who am I kidding…TTC is an OBSESSION that will never cease. But for now, Im going to sit here and write out my grocery list for all the holiday cooking, and plot ways to trick my husband into going hunting AFTER making our little Christmas Gift.

When it all started....

Every woman wants a baby at some point. For some, its later in life, after they’ve become financially stable, been married about ten years, and have everything else they could possibly want out of life. For others, it sets in somewhere around college years, and they want nothing more than to settle down and get married and start making babies. That’s where I fall on the spectrum. I met my husband in college, and after we’d been together a whopping year and half, we got married. And, of course, baby fever soon set in. But it wasn’t my fault. Every one around me had their own babies, were pregnant, or were trying to get pregnant. Who was I to be any different? (I tell you, peer pressure is of the devil!) It must be a hormonal shift or something, because I definitely had a bad case of baby on the brain. But, we decided it wasn’t the best time to get pregnant right after we got married, so we decided to wait a few months and then try.

Fast-forward a year: still no baby.

Situations arise beyond your control, and you have to put what you want on the back-burner for a little while longer. My need for a baby went ignored and unacknowledged for a full year, and i had enough of it. I stopped my birth control, I started tracking my cycles thinking “it shouldn’t take more than a month or two, everyone else did this on accident!” That first negative hit me like a ton of bricks. What had i done wrong? We made sure to have sex during my fertile window and on ovulation days, but i wasn’t pregnant. I picked myself up off the floor, and said “Ok, this next cycle will be it!” changed my diet, started being healthier, took prenatal vitamins, charted, temped, sex on the regular….everything by the book. Woke up the day before my expected period, and found that it had come early. I was devastated. I could not understand why I was not pregnant yet. Maybe there was more to this than I thought…

Fast-forward six months: one miscarriage and 5 negative tests...

I learned all about OPK’s and checking CM daily (for those who don’t know what that means, you may be on the wrong blog) and found out my cycles were actually longer than normal, so I had to re-vamp my cycle calculations. Now, its November and closing in on the holidays. Do you know how hard it is to TRY to have sex on holidays, WITH DEER SEASON OPEN AS WELL? For those whose husbands don’t hunt, this will be a cake walk for you. But for those of us who lose our husbands for the next 4 months, it’s a tough one. We are currently trying the SMEP method (link at the end of the post if you are curious about it!!) and I’ll find out the 2nd week in December if its worked. I had no idea TTC would be this tough…but it is. Im 22 years old, and for some reason, having problems getting pregnant. No doctor will see you until you have been trying over a year, so im sticking it out the next 6 months, praying for a holiday miracle at this point. “You’re young…It’ll happen when it’s supposed to…Don’t think about it so much (that’s my favorite…)” these are the things I hear on a day-to-day basis. It’s easier said than done isn’t it ladies? I won’t bore you with my sap story, but know you’re not alone in this journey. It’s TOUGH being a woman who for some reason struggle with doing the ONE thing women were made to do…have babies. I may not know everything, but I know this sucks!

***Link to SMEP method website***