Wednesday, January 21, 2015

February Baby or Bust!!

So..our month of NTNP is almost over, and im sitting here gulping down chocolate ice cream and Midol thanks to AF showing right on time…and with a vengeance. I mean she came for blood this time around. I cried of course when I realized AF was on the way, and sure enough, yesterday morning it was here. And two women in my office have found out they are now expecting….This journey has been so hard..there are a lot of other factors in my life that make it all that much more stressful, but to see the others around me getting knockedup just by their husband simply looking at them….i want to punch them….and i mean that in the nicest way possible. I don’t know why we haven’t gotten pregnant yet. Im 22 years old, and it should be easier. Right??? Im mooning over nurseries and baby clothes, day dreaming about big baby bumps and maternity clothes, praying that we will soon have our little miracle and get our chance to be parents. But for now, I’ll mother my furr babies until they cant stand me, have my entire nursery picked out on pinterest, and enjoy my tub of rocky road ice cream…who knows, maybe February we can get Cupid over here to work some of his lovin' magic and get me pregnant. We shall see!

Monday, January 12, 2015

The truth about being a furr mama!

No this is not TTC related, but they are my babies...the only ones i have right now.

Although we are trying to have a baby of our own, i already have 4 furr children. Yes, I said furr children. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. My oldest dog, Mimi, is a fat oversized rollie pollie pug. She thinks she is a human already, and is completely a mama's girl. I have had her for years, and she is and always will be my first baby. Then, I have my little Australian shepherd Prince. He is new, only 9 weeks old and a ball of energy. He terrorizes Mimi but they have fun together. Then, my two cats: Bear and Niko. They are outside cats, and the love to bring me gifts. Like the other day, Niko brought me a lovely dead bird and left it on my doorstep for my husband to step on. They are just being affectionate. Not everyone gets dead things as gifts!

I love my furrbabies, and they help when I get down and out about not being pregnant. You’d swear Mimi knew what was wrong because around that time of psycho testing, she’s a shadow. She stays right there with me and cuddles with me until I regain some composure about myself and can move forward with my day. I don’t know what I would do without my babies. My husband thinks Im too sensitive and crazy about my pets, but I love them. Next to a child, nothing can love you more unconditionally than an animal. And my babies prove that on a day to day basis. What kind of fur babies do you have??

Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year, New Me!

We spent our new year with great friends, some great food, and great drinks. Knowing Im not pregnant made for a good relaxing holiday weekend. DH and myself spent some well deserved time not doing much of anything...that is, until I saw the Christmas pictures my family had posted. I was mortified. I looked like a cow.

I am 5'11 so i carry a lot of weight well. No one would guess that i weigh as much as I do, but the scales don't lie. I've gained almost 30 pounds since last year. After seeing some holiday photos of myself and not being able to wear my New Years Eve outfit from last year, I decided it was high time I changed before it was too late! I talked to DH and we both agreed we needed to do something to get healthier while we don't have kids and make it a permanent lifestyle choice.

I am doing the GMC diet for the 3rd time, and praying for the same results. I know that if you lose a significant amount of weight, your fertility chances increase dramatically. With this cleanse, you eat as much of the certain foods as you want so you're not hungry, and i did it twice before: first time I lost 24 pounds, the second time i cheated a little and still managed to lose 18 pounds in the 7 days! And since my short-term disability wont cover a pregnancy unless i deliver 10 months after it started ( in my case, i would have to deliver in november) this would be the perfect kick start! Day one is almost over, and i need to get back to my fruit cups. Hope your new years was amazing! First day: all the fruits i could eat except bananas.

**Here's the link if you want to check it out! **